Core en­er­gy mar­ket da­ta reg­is­ter

The core energy market data register is a comprehensive, official register of the electricity and gas market for use by the authorities and participants in the energy (electricity and gas) sector.

The core energy market data register online portal is available to all market participants and the public at since January 2019.

The previous reporting channels for EEG and CHP systems are no longer available. From now on, registrations of generation systems can only be made via the new web portal. This also applies to solar systems, battery storage and CHP systems.

Registrations in the MaStR are then subject to the stipulations and deadlines set out in the amended Market Master Data Register Ordinance (MaStRV).

Important information at a glance

Factsheet zum Marktstammdatenregister (pdf / 251 KB)

Frequently asked questions are answered in German language here.

Purpose of the data register

Being able to access the core data of the core energy market data register will significantly improve data quality and simplify many energy-related processes. A central registration process will harmonise or simplify many official registration requirements or enable them to be done away with completely.

The PV registration portal and the Installations register will be merged into the core energy market data register and their function are completely taken over by the online portal.

Registration requirements

All participants in the electricity and gas market are obliged to register themselves and their installations on
Solar plants, CHP plants, stationary battery storage and emergency generators must be registered same as wind turbines or conventional power plants. In addition to plant operators, the other players in the electricity and gas market must also register, e.g. Network operators and electricity / gas traders.

Note: Registration can also be carried out by another authorized person (family, installer, service provider etc.).

Payment entitlement: In order to receive payments under the EEG or the CHP Act without deduction, the registration deadlines laid down in the Ordinance must be observed. Otherwise there is no entitlement to a payment!

Publication of register data

With commissioning of the web portal, the registered data is publicly available. In addition, until further notice, a monthly publication of selected data will take place.

Registered CHP installations that are not operated exclusively with renewable energy sources

The Bundesnetzagentur publishes the registered CHP installations that are not operated exclusively with renewable energy sources and habe been registered prior the launch of the webportal here. CHP installations that have been registered after the start of the webportal on January, 31st 2019 and those already migrated are visible in the Marktstammdatenregister.

Registered CHP installations that are operated exclusively with renewable energy sources are included in the relevant publications as renewable energy installations.

Core Energy Market Data Register Ordinance

The Core Energy Market Data Register Ordinance (MaStRV) entered into force on 1 July 2017. The authorisation to issue an ordinance may be found in sections 111e and 111f of the German Energy Industry Act (EnWG). The regulation regulates who has to register and which installations have to be reported.
The amendment of the MaStRV entered into force on 21.11.2018. In particular, the deadlines were adjusted, which was necessary due to the delayed start of the online portal.


Bundesnetzagentur, Tulpenfeld 4, 53113 Bonn

Hotline: 0228 14-3333
Mo-Fr 7.00 – 20.00 Uhr
Sa 8.00 - 14.30 Uhr
